
Save some money this week....

Like most of you I don't mind spending money, but I sure hate wasting it. So when I see the words "sale" or "rebate" it peaks my interest (and when I see them together I have to take a cold shower to contain my excitement).

Here are a few items on sale this week that may be of interest to my fellow photographers:

At BestBuy:

1. Paint Shop Pro X2 for just $49
2. 100 spindle of Sony DVD's for $22.99
3. PNY - 2GB SD Memory Card for $14.99

At Staples:

1. SanDisk MobileMate Card Reader for $9.99
2. SanDisk 2GB Ultra II SD Card for $24.99
3. SanDisk 2GB SD Card for $19.99
4. SanDisk 1GB SD Card for $9.99

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