
The Portland Maine Photowalk winner is...

Before I announce the winner, let me say the only thing I did not like about the walk was having to pour through hundreds of photos and single it down to just one winning image.

There were so may good photographers, so many outstanding images.

To see the images from the Portland Maine photowalk check out our Flickr page.

Now, drum roll please...

The winner is Kristin Zecchinelli from Old Orchard Beach.

In her own words:

"I had never done anything like this EVER. My hubby got the email about the walk and talked me into going, but I was SO nervous and then seeing everyone's wonderful equipment made me SWEAT! I've always been creative, but truly only picked up photography seriously 6 months ago with the purchase of my very first DSLR".

Be sure to check out her blog, stop by and say hello.

Here is her winning image:


And these are other images Kristin took on the walk.

"Porthole Flare"


"Working The Docks"



  1. thank you very much Scott, taking on the leadership roll and organizing everything in town for us. this is a huge honor. kristin

  2. Very nice! Congratulations Kristin!

    - Ashwin.

  3. Wonderful winning image. It's so photographic, and it suggests a story. Very nice work, congratulations!

  4. yay! kristen in one aweseome photog! woot!!
