
A sneak peak at Photoshop CS4...

If you are like me (no, not fat and old), you're wondering if it's worth the money to upgrade to Photoshop CS4, or because of the significant changes from Photoshop CS3, do you want to invest the time to learn a new program.

Thinking back to the last 2 weddings and portrait sessions that I've edited (about 3000 images) I don't remember opening Photoshop once, all my work was done in Lightroom.

So I was seriously leaning towards "no update", that was until I came across Rich Harrington's website/podcast

As I was watching his tutorials I kept saying "that's cool", "nice", or "I could really use that". I realized I was sounding much like Homer Simpson, "oooooh doughnut".

So now I am leaning (strongly) to upgrading, not just for me, but for my clients too. Like I often say, if you use something (even once) that makes your client happy it's worth the investment because it's not just about that sale, it's also about that client coming back in the future and singing your praises to all their friends.

I would pay $199 for that kind of good publicity/advertising every time (the cost of the upgrade).

Looking at it strictly from the business side, It only takes one good sale to recoup your investment.

So if you are wondering what CS4 has to offer you, be sure to watch this video from Rich discussing the new interface in CS4, and be sure to check out his podcast because you'll find a bunch of videos showing the features of (and benefits of upgrading to) Photoshop CS4.

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