
Some of my phoDOGraphy…

I humbly submit some of my dog images for your review and critique (click on any image to view larger & in a new window):


  1. I love that first shot with the creative camera angle. I never think to do shots like that but I've seen many that really work.
    Just curious, did you shoot it like that or is it a creative cropping output?

  2. I did shoot it like that (the angle of the image), but did crop a little dead space from the left.

    I shot it wider as Boomer was running as fast as his little legs would carry him and I wanted to make sure I kept him in the frame.


  3. Nice posts Scott - I am sending the deposit this week for 6/20 - 6/27 - I need you to shoot a family portrait when we are there and I would love to shoot you and yours -

  4. I am marking the dates on the calendar “Reserved for Palmer Family”. Really looking forward to your return trip to Maine!


  5. I agree with Scott C. I really like the images with a different angle ... and I always for get to try it out.

    Also, you should show your BW processing technique. Those images are my favorite!

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