
The Prize Package Extravaganza Winner is...

Maestro, drum roll please...

The winner of the prize package extravaganza for the November/December photo contest is...

Marcus Brammer of Denton Texas!

Image Name: "Watch Your Step"
Image Location: Venice Beach California
Equipment Used: Cannon 5D: lens 70-300mm, focal length 70mm: exposure 1/400 sec at f/11
Post Production: Post processing was done with Photoshop CS3 and OnOne software

From Mark: "It was the long shadows drew me to take this picture."

You can check out all the cool stuff Marcus won here.


  1. Congratulations, Marcus! What a great way to start of 2009!! :)

  2. (Darn! And of course, I started MY first 2009 blog comment off with a spelling error. Marcus, what a great way to start OFF 2009! OOoops!) Happy New Year, Scott!

  3. Congratulations! What a great B & W shot. The shadows and patterns are awesome!
