
New feature on our blog, reader polls…

Starting this month (and on the first of each month to follow) we will be running polls, looking for your input.

This month we want to know what you shoot, RAW, jpg, or both.

So take a minute, look to the column on your right under “Reader Poll” and let us know what you shoot.



  1. No poll option visible for me.

  2. Was that to your right or my right?

  3. On the right hand column you will see “About Me”, now as mesmerized as you will be by my image directly below it are the “As seen on…” and “Blog Roll” images.

    Beneath those images you will see the poll.

  4. I've got a good eye for polls, and I'm very sure there isn't one anywhere...

  5. What browser are you using?
    I have tested it with Internet Explorer and Firefox and it works fine with both, and 2o people have voted so far, so some folks are seeing it.

    It is a script, I wonder if your browser block scripts in general or just this script in particular?

    Just curios, what is the first things you see directly under the “Blog Roll Member” image?

    Sorry for the difficulty, hope I can work it out.

  6. The poll only shows if you go to the blog home page

    It is not visible in the single post view...

  7. I suspect that many of your readers come here directly from an RSS reader and therefore would not see any of the stuff in the right sidebar that is only visible from the homepage. I've never seen any of that stuff before today!

  8. What ever happened to these polls? I haven't seen one yet!
