
Microstock photography part II...

I recently blogged my first post on (micro)stock photography and you should know that there will be more in the future.

One of the things I really like about microstock is that you practice and improve your craft with an added benefit of the chance of making money in the process.

Many "life coaches" will tell you if there is a place you want to be, find someone who is already there and learn from them.

With that in mind, today I want to feature Nicole Young, another iStock photographer extraordinaire.

Nicole is a photographer living in Monterey Bay, California and recently hit the "Diamond" level on iStock Photo (25,000 images!).

Be sure to check her out on her website, her blog, and on iStock Photo.

But before you do, take a few minutes to watch (and learn from) the video below.


  1. Great video and resource! Thanks for the great post Scott!

  2. Thanks Scott - Now I feel lazy!! I need to get off my butt --
