
More about our upcoming seminar...

I am pleased to announce that Dane Sanders has joined our growing list of sponsors and that one of the seminar attendees will be taking home his new book "Fast Track Photographer".

Just a bit more information about our upcoming photography seminar:

There will be 3 professional photographers (and assistants) teaching for the entire day, Gary Lowell, Mark Hensley, (and of course) myself, while the class size will be limited to 25 so that each student will have plenty of personalized instruction and attention.

During the afternoon each of the shooting stations will be manned by one of the instructors and will also have live models (as apposed to the icky dead ones).


Through the course of the afternoon all students will rotate through each shooting station, getting individualized instruction and experience shooting a model in each of the different lighting scenarios.

We will also be setting up a seminar Flickr page so that folks can share the images they capture at the seminar, as well as sharing the images you will capture when you get back home using your newly learned skills.

One of the side benefits of attending seminars like this is meeting other photographers and the friendships that develop.

There will be more information and a permanent seminar page coming out next week.

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