
No BS Photo Success...

If you are like me (no, not fat and old), you're always looking for resources and educational opportunities to improve yourself and hone your skills.

No BS Photo Success is just such a resource. It's run by Rob Provencher and James Hodgins, a couple of irreverent photographers (which is a good thing) who love to teach and are extremely knowledgeable about (and good at) their craft.

You can read hundreds of articles, watch almost 80 video tutorials on lighting techniques, work flow, and Photoshop tutorials, signup for their newsletter, and browse through many photography resources, all for free.

One of the things I really like is they are big into low cost, no cost, and DIY photography projects.

Chances are good that once you have worked through all of their free stuff you'll sign up for their subscription based forums.

Just to give you an idea of what they offer, and to make you hungry for more, here is one of their instructional lighting videos - shooting a one light portrait.

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me like there was also a background light but he made no mention of a reflector to illuminate the background. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
