
Assignment #1 for our flickr group...

Here is assignment number one for the Weekly Photo Tips flickr group:

Shoot anything in your yard and/or garden. If you live in an apartment or condo shoot something on your balcony.

The only stipulation/rule is whatever you shoot, it has to be outside and at your home.

Your images can all be of the same subject, or each image can be of a different subject.

Here are my six images, all shot in my yard, sunflowers, a sunflower bud, and a sunflower leaf.

My choice was flowers, not sure if there is anything more simple and more beautiful than a flower.

All these were shot with a Nikon 60mm lens.

I shot the leaf by holding it up to the sun and holding the lens behind (and right up against) it.

Larger versions of these images will be up on the flickr group shortly.

I am looking forward to what you folks are going to shoot and post.

View any of these images larger and in a new window by clicking on them.


  1. These are beautiful! Great idea regarding the group. I hope to do some assignments this winter when I'm not so busy with my portrait business.

  2. No flickr account, but i do keep shooting (the camera that is!)
