

What is the number one visited website?


What is the number one photo sharing website?


That should be enough to drive home the point that a (your) Facebook presence is important.

This leaves you with two options, getting on Facebook and fumbling around, hoping you get it right, or letting someone guide you step by step though the important features making sure you nail it from the very beginning.

I went for the step by step guided tour with Rod Evans "Facebook Marketing Tutorial".

Rod shows you how he uses Facebook to book senior sessions for around one dollar each in advertising cost.

He not only explains the three areas of Facebook that we need to concentrate on (our personal profiles, photo pages, and advertising), he walks you through each settings page, explaining what settings are important and which ones are not.

The Facebook Marketing Tutorial is a series of three videos (about 70 minutes total) and one of the things I really liked about them is when Rod was discussing page settings you saw the actual page (and settings) he was working on, so it could not have been easier to follow (and understand). And he didn't just share "this is what the setting should be", Rod also explains clearly why it should be what it is.

Another extremely important piece of information that is discussed is Facebook etiquette, without knowing it is extremely easy to find yourself outside the acceptable "rules of engagement" which will get you more than a slap on the wrist, it could end up getting you booted!

I think the coolest thing I learned from this DVD is what I need to do to an image before giving it to a client for their Facebook page that will drive potential clients my way (you'll have to watch the video for the details).

It's likely that you could learn everything that is taught on this DVD on your own, but how long would it take, how many mistakes would you make, and how much business would you miss out on before finally getting it right?

You could walk for free and would eventually get to Washington DC, or your can spend the money on a plane ticket and get there MUCH quicker.

Choice is yours, but I picked the plane ticket and could not be happier that I did.

The good folks at Evans Creative Training are making it easier for you to get there faster too by offering $30 off Facebook Marketing Tutorial, simply enter the coupon code "weekly" when ordering to receive your $30 discount.


  1. Thank you for finding this!

  2. Hi Scott,

    I am very interested in this material. However when I tried using your code, it said that "weekly is not a valid code. Do you have another code or know what the problem is?


  3. Victor,

    I just checked with the good folks from Evans Creative Training and this was their response:

    Hi Scott,

    I just double checked and "weekly" is still an active code. It has been used a few times successfully including once just an hour ago so I know it works. Perhaps using a different web browser could solve the issue.

    Eric Lundgren

  4. Hi Scott,

    Thank you for your reply. I tried in expolere and firefox and both keep telling me:
    "weekly" is not a valid coupon.
    We have estimated your order total as USD99.00 based on recent exchange rates. Your actual payment will be submitted as USD99.00
    I will try and contact them directly.

    I appreciate your blog very much!

    Regards from Aruba,

  5. Thanks for sharing this. Again, it's one of those products I wouldn't have found otherwise.

  6. "You could walk for free and would eventually get to Washington DC, or your can spend the money on a plane ticket and get there MUCH quicker." Agreed!

    If you want to be better at something, find someone (a role model) to model your behavior after. This seems like the ticket for photographers on facebook!
