
Join our Flickr spring assignment...

Here are three images that show spring is upon us here in Maine.

My hope is that you too will post images that show spring around your house over at the Weekly Photo Tips Flickr group.

Sign one - buds on the lilac bushes sprinkled throughout our yard.

Sign two - the day lilies breaking through the ground around our foundation.

Sign three - my dogs get new collars, here is Gracie modeling her new pink number.


  1. Sign 4: The roar of the Lawn Mowers on Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon!

  2. Good one…

    Sign 5: The blisters on your hands from raking up all the stuff that has blown onto your lawn.


  3. Sign 6: having "pruners back" after trimming the bushes!

  4. Sign 7: The first mosquito of spring :P

    Sign 8: The back yard turning into a mud pit ... which means the house turns into a mud pit (when you have a 90-pound dog and two toddlers, at least!)
