
Wanna spend 3 days with Zack Arias?...

I know what you're thinking, "Hell ya!".

Followed by "but he's not coming to my town" and "even if he was I probably couldn't afford it".

All wrong, regardless of where you live you can attend this 3 day workshop (without leaving town, heck, without leaving your house) and you can attend it for free.

Yup, free, zip, nada, nothing.

So let me ask again, wanna attend the 3 day "Studio Lighting Workshop" with Zack Arias?

The catch? you need to register at creativeLIVE before all the "seats" are gone. That's it, that's all you have to do.

creativeLIVE is the brainchild of Chase Jarvis and how it works is simple, you can watch their seminars live (and free) no strings attached, but should you not be able to "attend" live you can buy the entire 3 day workshop (recorded) for a ridiculously low price.

The Zack Arias 3 day seminar (8 hours each day) is free when you watch it live and only $79 to purchase the downloads.

So head over to creativeLIVE to sign up for the Zack Arias workshop, or one of the other (free) outstanding workshops they have coming up.

Back to Zack for a minute, I was listening to one of his interviews last night and he had a great suggestion for building your business/portfolio. He mentioned a specific piece of glass that cost almost $1,900, and too often folks will buy it because the think it is important to their photography business. Zack's suggestion was if you really want to build your business purchase the same glass used and with the money you saved spend 2-3 days in the big apple shooting/building a "New York Portfolio" for your website. I thought that was freaking brilliant.

You can listen to the entire interview here.

Let me close with one more piece of hero worship, this is one of the most innovative portraits I have ever seen, it's of 30 people shot with a single flash.

Lastly, watch the video below to learn how you can win a real/actual seat at the 3 day workshop in Seattle, yup, you can be one of the studio attendees, sipping that great Seattle coffee and that would be free too (well, the seat would be free, not the coffee)!


  1. Thanks for posting this. I signed up right away, then fired off emails to other photogs that would be interested.


  2. How awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Just watched the video. Loved the last bullet point in the credits: "Not valid where things aren't valid." Perfect.
