
Please, please, please read this...

If you love photography and are looking for educational opportunities, this post is a must read.

I have been getting a bunch of emails lately, some looking for where to find photography courses and others looking for camera clubs in their area (if I haven't responded your email yet I will, I promise).

The theme for all the emails have been pretty consistent, they are looking to bring their photography to the "next level".

I can't begin to tell you how many books, DVD's, and courses have come to us for review over the last 5 years and there are two that are head and shoulders above the rest.

So if you want to take your camera off "P", if you want to be comfortable shooting in manual, and if you want to control the light instead of being controlled by it then right these down.

There are two things I would recommend (strongly urge) you do before anything else. ANYTHING ELSE.

First, I would buy the "Strobist Lighting Seminar DVD Box Set", an 8 DVD 2 day seminar from David Hobby. You can read my (glowing) review here and buy it over at Midwest Photo Exchange for $139.

Second, I would head over to Creative Live and download the 2 1/2 day seminar "Studio Photography" taught by Zack Arias for $129 (my review is here).

I could ramble on about what is so great about these two products, but it would a re-hash of the original reviews, so take a minute to read them for in-depth product details (David Hobby here and Zack Arias here).

These will do more than take your photography to "the next level", they will shoot you over the mountain and leave your sprawled on the other side.

It will have you saying things about lighting ratios that will leave your photography friends dumbfounded and wanting to know if you can teach an upcoming class at the camera club.


Seriously, these are the best educational opportunities available out there, I promise, and having them on DVD will give you the chance to watch, re-watch, stop, pause, and study anything you want at times convenient for you.

That's my 2 cents... and your $268.


  1. I came across your blog when it was referenced in the Scott Kelby blog. I have checked in a few times and really like the content you post. Great stuff. I will be checking in regularly for tips, education and inspriation. Thanks

  2. Thank you for your kind words.


  3. Scott, you are SO right about the Zack Arias class at Creative Live! I not only attended as it was streaming live, but I purchased the recording because it was just chock full of great stuff that I knew I'd need to go over multiple times. I haven't ordered the Strobist class yet, but if this is your other top selection, then I'm all over it. If you're ranking it up there with the Zack Arias class, then I've got to order it TODAY.

    As always, you rock, Scott! Thanks for the continued great tips, and all your time and effort bringing them to us. I look forward to seeing "Weekly Photo Tips" pop up in my email box everyday, and have found so many great things through you. I am eternally grateful! :)

  4. thanks for the heads up re the Zack dvd--I missed the live streaming event and missed the fact that it was available in dvd--I have taken a class with Zack and agree he has lots to offer--guess it's time to his Creative Live lesson

  5. Gee whiz Pamela you are good for my ego! The only thing you haven’t mentioned was my striking good looks (just kidding).

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoy writing this blog and how serious I take it. People trust my reviews are honest and sometimes spend their hard earned money based on what I have to say. That is not to something I take lightly.

    Thanks for coming here and for taking the time to leave your kind comments.

    If you do purchase the David Hobby DVD’s I would love to hear your feedback.

  6. Stephen,

    If you get the class Zack did for CreativeLive please let me know what you think.

    Watching him teach was amazing, it all seemed second nature to him, it wasn’t like he was digging deep looking for information, it was all right there at the front of his brain, waiting to come out.


  7. Great tips, and a good investment. I did one of Zach's live workshops and it was excellent.
