
Who wants a David Honl DVD?...

Our contest this month is for the two DVD set from David Honl, "Light".

It's an educational lighting DVD that will walk you through nine different shooting scenarios, all lit with small strobes (hot shoe flashes), some lit with as few as one.

You can read the entire DVD review here.

To be eligible for the drawing you need to do two things between now and the end of the month (9/30/10):

1. Leave a comment on any of our posts.

2. Upload a favorite image you have shot to our Flickr Group with a sentence (or two) about why it's among your favorites.

For those of you who have already left comments since the first of September, if you upload an image to Flickr you will be in the running too.

For those wondering, all rights and ownership of any image you upload will remain with you and you alone. Period.

You can enter as many times as you like, for each comment and image combination you submit your name will be entered into our September contest.

Looking forward to reading your comments and seeing your images.

Good luck everyone.


  1. Heck yeah I want that! #1 too! wooohooo!

  2. Me too, only I can't figure out how to upload to the Flickr group :-(

  3. What a great give away...I would love this....and I love your blog too by the way :O)

  4. Thanks for the tip on how to upload to Flickr. I just uploaded a picture and here's why it's one of my favorites . . . I never considered myself a photographer until attending a photo workshop. I was always just a "graphic designer that liked taking pictures." The shot I uploaded was deemed the prize shot of the week by the pros and it finally made me feel worth of calling myself a "photographer." But I still need a lot of help . . . starting with lighting . . .fingers crossed.

  5. Sure, I'll dig through my slim archives to search for a contest entry, I'd LOVE to have David's DVD!


  6. Thanks for all of the giveaways! I'm glad I stumbled across this site through Kelby's post. Now I have it RSS'ed along with my other 4 photography sites ... yeap, I only have 5 total.

  7. What a great giveaway and blog. I've just created a Flickr account and posted an image to your group that I love. Its of a dragon fly that is missing a wing. He seems to be smiling and it reminds me to be thankful for what I have. I've made it into a mouse pad for work, a place to be reminded! :)


  8. Miguel,

    Thanks for making me “one of the five”. I truly appreciate.


  9. Jason Taylor…. New York Jets Jason Taylor?


    You’re right Jason, he does look likes he’s smiling! Thanks for the submission and good luck.


  10. Maryann a.k.a. MF*****FotosSeptember 11, 2010 at 8:52 AM

    I leave comments under a different name than my Flickr accounts. You might not know it's me when you see a pic on the Flickr Group!

  11. Maryann,

    Not to worry.

    Don’t tell anyone but should a reader leave a comment but not upload an image (or vise versa) they will still be included in this month’s contest.


    Good luck.


  12. Just uploaded a fave pic to the group :)


  13. Just uploaded a fave pic to the group :)


  14. Im in...ive been wanting this dvd for some time now

  15. I am keeping my fingers crossed to win this one - after reading your review! It sounds fantastic.

    My flickr name isn't the same as my ident here, but after seeing your comment above, I'm not too worried about that!!

    Great reviews on your site by the way - not just for this, but the Joey L DVD review has got me dying to spend spend spend... (or start an early Christmas list)...!

  16. Please put my name in the runnig as well!
