
Thanksgiving Dinner...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice photograph Scott. But, I sometimes feel that it is so easy to rest on such an image. Yes, there is distress and discomfort in this economy. It is the reality of the here and now. Although, we can also embrace the positives in our lives...
    The warmth, compassion, love, and giving.
    Scott, thank you for what you have shared and given to us this year.

  3. A very moving image for Thanksgiving, thank you for reminding us what is important/

  4. True JW and the majority of the time I do just that…embrace the good… hold out for hope and compassion.

    I thought for some time before I hit the “post” button because it was a bit out of character (for me) and I was not going just for the shock value.

    The image made me realize 2 things - how fortunate I am and there is still work to be done. My hope was it would do the same for others.

    Thanks for reading and happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Thanks for posting this image Scott. I don't see this a shock value but as a reminder that more compassion is needed in this world. FYI ~~I posted a similar image on my blog several days ago. @ Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. I wonder how the photo would have been read with a different title. I like the photo but the title is too direct.

  7. A simple yet powerful image...
    1 picture, 1000 words...
