
A pleasant surprise... and a little hope...

Last night I had to make a stop on the way home and as is customary this time of the year at the front door of the store was the red kettle and the sound of a ringing bell.

As I walked towards the door I dug for a dollar bill and went to put it in and at first thought I had missed the kettle opening and then realized I hadn't missed at all, the problem was that the kettle was so full that there was very little room left for my humble dollar.

I walked through the store with a silly grin on my face and a warm feeling, not because I gave a silly dollar, but that in this economy with soooo many people struggling just to keep their heads above water, folks are digging deep to help others.

Sure, it's not a scientific evaluation on the state of charitable donations, but for me it's better than that.... it's hope.

Hope that we can convince those who think they are alone, that they are not.


  1. I love stories like this, Scott. Please keep it up!

  2. I work the other side of the bucket and now also help to coordinate our small town's bell ringing activity. Several years ago when I started volunteering to ring for the Salvation Army, I did it to help a little but also fill some time. Little did I know how much the activity gave back to ME! All I can say is that this is one thing that gives back to you more that you give to it. Can't be described.

    Good of you to feature this.
