
If you are a dad...

The first time I saw the commercial below I thought "they get it" because it captures exactly what it's like for me (and I am sure other parents as well), I have 3 young ladies in high school but when I look at them I see my little girls in their jammies.

This is my reality:

This is real reality:

And if they see this post I am a dead man.


You can come back to Weekly Photo Tips or head directly over to YouTube to watch it.


  1. Absolutely true!! My youngest is 19 and I think of her as maybe 8

  2. In lieu of flowers, where should we send donations to? You know, just in case they read this?

  3. yeah, they did a good job conveying how us parents see our kids & how our parents probably see us :)

  4. it is really excellent work! you've done lots of awesome job :)

  5. Dave,

    No flowers or donations needed, they did see the post (forgot it is sent to Facebook) but was ok because they approved of the images.



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