
Little House on the Prairie...

In all my years in medicine I NEVER saw a case of scarlet fever.

In fact the closest I ever came to it was on an episode of "Little House on the Prairie".

Well, guess what has invaded my house this week? Yup, scarlet fever. It is absolutely debilitating but thankfully it responds beautifully (and rather quickly) to antibiotics.

Today is the most normal day we have had around here in about a week, so starting tomorrow things should be on their way back to (our version of) normal here on the blog.

I have a pile of boxes, one or two arriving every day this past week, each containing a photographic do-dad (or two) for review. So I am waaaaay behind.

See you tomorrow with a review.


  1. I hope you and your family are able to stay well, Scott. Take good care.

  2. Haven't heard about cases for looong time. Get better!

  3. Scott, Take it slow, Be sure everyone is fully recovered before getting back into the grind. Is you exchange Student OK.


  4. Our exchange student has escaped this, as have our children (knock on wood), it appears that it was an “adults only” event.

    And luckily it was one adult at a time as well; my wife sat upright at the dinner table last night for the first time in days.

    Thank you all for your kind words, we appear to be over the hump.

  5. Glad you're all on the mend. Hopefully lots of new gizmos for review will perk you up almost as much as the antibiotics...?!

  6. maryann [MF*****Fotos]March 14, 2011 at 8:57 AM

    Wow! Where did that come from?? Glad it's easily treated these days and you are recovering!

  7. Best wishes for a speedy recovering

  8. wow - glad y'all are feeling better
