
A shooting assignment...

One of my twins (Katie) is taking photography in high school and had an assignment to shoot at a very old local cemetery (Laurel Hill Cemetery), so I figured that I would shoot as well. This was our first time shooting together and it was fun.

Here are a few of the images from that day.

The one (image) I found most amusing (if you can use that word when talking about cemetery images) was the one of the gate posts on a small family plot, my thought (well, more of a question really) was, at this point in the afterlife does one really need directions?

(click on any image to view larger and in a new window)


  1. I like the images in BW. I bet Katie was thrilled to go out shooting with you (and I bet the opposite was true as well)

  2. Haven't thought about shooting at that location...might have to see what interesting things can be found there one day. Thanks for the idea!

  3. I shot a whole series of photos in a cemetery in Salem, NH after the big snowstorm we had this winter and got a lot of positive feedback from it. I titled it "Winter in the Cemetery" I am now thinking about doing a small hard cover photo book "Seasons of a Cemetery" and will shoot the different seasons.

  4. maryann [MF*****Fotos]April 9, 2011 at 8:30 AM

    Great shots and I agree the B/W choice is wonderful. Love that pointing hand! Nicely done too!!

  5. Nice, that is a really great place to photograph many opportunities to do different things; when the flowers bloom they are everywhere!
