
Story telling at it's best...

Just a few weeks back I wrote about the blog "Not Without Salt" and since then it has become (yet another) blog I follow closely.

And I do so for three reasons:

First, her writing is so engaging, it's like you are sitting across the table from her having an intimate conversation. It's a style that pulls you in (as apposed to just be spoken at). I really enjoy her stories.

Just her writing style is enough to elevate her blog to the status above most others, but then when you throw in her images it catapults her over the top.

Is she the best food photographer? No... Is she the best food stylist? No... but much like her writing, her photography is "real". I love her photography (reason two for subscribing).

There is warmth and feeling to her pictures, so when you combine her photographs with her words it comes out to (what I think) some outstanding story telling.

I know many of you have your own blogs (because when folks subscribe to Weekly Photo Tips I check out their websites) and I think Not Without Salt is a great example of a blog done right. Which is another reason I read it, to help me produce a better blog (reason number three).

So this post is not an exercise in butt kissing, it is another resource that is of interest to soooo many, if you like cooking, if you like photography, if you want to learn how to blog well then Not Without Salt is a place you should visit.


  1. Yep! I added it to my RSS feed the first time you mentioned it. Definitely worth a read! Thanks

  2. Wow. I'm so honored. Thanks for this, really.

  3. OMG, caught talking about my new blog crush, how embarrassing…


    Just doing my part to spread the word about an outstanding blog.

  4. There is warmth and feeling to her pictures, so when you combine her photographs with her words it comes out to (what I think) some outstanding story telling
