
The first February Friday winner is...

Our first Friday winner in a February giveaway is... Chasnie & Jason Vinson!

The will be getting a brand new copy of "Storytellers" by Jerod Foster.

We have three more Fridays and three more giveaways to go, so if you would like to enter our contest you can find all of the details here.


  1. Congrats to the Vinsons! Looks like a great book to put on my wish list!

  2. Scott, I always enjoy your posts. I will have to add Storytellers to my library.

  3. How does one see the winning picture?

  4. Hi Ron,

    It’s not that there is a winning picture, just a winning name.

    What I do is put the names from everyone who enters into a software program (called Top Hat) that then draws a name (at random) and that name is the winner.

    Hope that makes sense.


  5. Great prize, congratulations Chasnie & Jason

  6. Thank you for this! I meant to give thanks and comment on this awhile ago, but always get caught up! We've never received a copy of "Storytellers" but would love to have it! Should we have received it by now?
