
Podcast #8 - Our interview with Vincent Versace Part 2...

This week we present part 2 of our interview with photographer Vincent Versace.

First thing I should confess is that I am a HUGE Vincent Versace fan, I have been since the earliest steps of my photography journey so be forewarned that you may hear just a bit of giddiness in my voice.

I am a huge fan for 2 reasons:

1. I think Vincent is an absolutely brilliant photographer

2. He is equally as good as a photography instructor I have almost every one of his educational DVD's and the problem is the first time I watch them I just sit there and stare in amazement with my mouth gaping open, it's the second time through the DVD that I actually start to follow along and participating in the process.

During the interview we talked specifically about three of his images:

This one of the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee -

 This image of Alcatraz in San Francisco bay -

And this image of the Eiffel Tower during a snow storm -

(click on any of these images to view larger)

You can learn more about Vincent Versace and see his portfolio of iconic images by visiting his website, or checking out his Flickr page.

If you're interested to checking out his educational offering (books and DVD's that are worth every penny) you can find them all listed over at Acme Educational.

You can listen to the second part of our interview in the player below, or head over to The Photography Podcast to listen to it there as well as check out our previous 7 podcasts.


  1. Scotts Man Crush! LOL! Two great podcasts Scott.

  2. Man, he has some great images.

  3. Wow! You got to interview one of your faves? That is amazing. Good for you. I have been away for a little while and just getting back to your blog. There is some great stuff on here now. Well done!
