
I owe you a big thank you (yet again)...

Last week, in the deep, dark, still of the night... as we all were sleeping soundly... our YouTube channel plowed passed 7,000 subscribers and 600,000 views of our videos.

Okay, it may not have been in the still of the night and you easily could have been wide awake, but we really did hit those phenomenal numbers last week.

And as always, when we experience a success it doesn't belong to us, it belongs to you.

We have become (as several publications have said) one of the top photography blogs on the internet and if they're right, ALL of the credit belongs to you, the good people who use your valuable time to read, listen, and watch our humble offerings.


1 comment:

  1. No, no, no ... thank you Scott! Without you, we wouldn't have been able to watch the videos over 600,000 times!
