
The "things I have grown" photography challenge...

Welcome to our first ever photography challenge!

The theme is "things I have grown" and as we usually take a very broad view of things, we are letting you include children as part of the theme.

But how we do it is going to be a little different than usual.

1. You will need to email us your image (please keep the size to 300k or under) because the challenge images will be posted in our Facebook album of the same name.

2. "Like" The Photography Podcast on Facebook (only because "Love" is not an option)


This challenge starts right now (August 13), it's open to everyone, and will last for 7 days (ending August 20).

Though there will be no "winner" we will randomly pick one person (or two) to win some kind of cool photography related thing-a-ma-jig.

And we encourage you to watermark your image with your web address so other folks can see who you are and easily find you!

So time is short, email us your image so we can add it to our Facebook album "things I have grown".

Here is the small print (literally):

All rights and ownership of submitted images remain with the photographer who took it.

You can enter as many images as you like, no limit.

Winners outside of the US will need to cover the cost of shipping their prize package.

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