
It's Veterans Day...

And today's post will be even less organized than usually, just some thoughts and ideas with one theme, veterans and Veterans Day.

First, This is the first Veterans Day that does not have a single living veteran from World War I.

Second, we can actually blame the delay on announcing our latest contest winners on Veterans Day. On Friday I had been invited to lunch by James, a third grader who lives next door, it was the first ever "invite a veteran to lunch" day at his school and he invited me to attend.

I was under the understanding that it was a 30 minute lunch,  it turned out to be MUCH more. First we had lunch, then went back to the classroom of the person who invited us (participating in some fun activities), and then ended the day with an assembly that honored us with poems, essays written by the students, then topped it off with a few patriotic songs.

So my Friday plans were pretty much tossed out the window, it I couldn't have been happier.

Third, my time in the military was important to me, though I wouldn't do it again for a million dollars, I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. I have written about that time on more than one occasion, you  can find some of those posts, here, here, here, and the most important on (to me) here.

Fourth, there are soooooo many restaurants offering free appetizers and meals for active, retired, and discharged military personnel, you can get the complete list over at "The Military Wallet".

Fifth, a big thanks to all you fine people who took a minute to send me a Veterans Day email, it was extremely thoughtful, and so greatly appreciated.

Lastly, though I had put this together for Memorial Day a few years back, I want to include it here today because as far as I am concerned, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, who have "gone on ahead", cannot be honored enough.

The first men featured are "The Lanni Brothers", they are my uncles who were first generation Americans and could not have been prouder to serve their counry.

If you are having trouble viewing this, or would like to view it larger, simply follow this link.

Happy Veterans Day to all my "brothers in arms".

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