
On the cutting edge of photography...

I am a HUGE fan of KickStarter, a website I try not to visit very often because it's like being sucked into a black hole from which I cannot remove myself. It is sooooo much fun to check out the different projects.

If you are not familiar with KickStarter, its a micro-funding website where people with some pretty cool (and sometimes pretty crazy) ideas can lay them out for all the world to see and ask them if they would like to help a dream come true.

Well, here are four photography related KickStarter projects from my latest trip "in". The first of these projects is one I "invested" in.

Luxi ~ Incident light meter adapter for iPhone.

What is Luxi?

"It's a small diffusion dome that fits securely over your iPhone’s front-facing camera. When attached and used with a light meter app, Luxi will help you determine the best settings for your DSLR or other camera so that you can take perfectly exposed pictures."

This project is fro James Flynn and Abraham Farag founded Extrasensory Devices in San Francisco (CA).

And though this project is fully funded (and then some) you can still get in on it for as little as $19 (which will get you an iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 version shipped to you for free).

So check out their KickStarter page and their website.

This next one is equally as brilliant,  The 120 Pinhole Project by Kelly Angood.

What is The 120 Pinhole Project?

"A do-it-yourself medium format pinhole camera, flat pack kit.

This project started because I’d always wanted a proper medium format camera, but I knew I’d never be able to afford one. So I dealt with it the only way I knew how- I made one!

So for your support you will get a complete kit ready to assemble and shoot.

There are 42 days left to this project and you'll get a kit by investing $38.

You can watch this video of her "prototype" project, head over to her KickStarter project, and visit her website.

Next we have the World's Most Super Amazing 100% Awesome Cat Calendar.

This project is by Kate Funk and is... well...pretty self explanatory.

There is 36 days left on this project and it is already over-funded.

You will want to visit Kate's KickStarter page, her website and her blog.

The last project today is the Operation Milky Way by Scott Lange.

This project has one goal, to capture the perfect image of the Milky Way.

This project has 28 days left to go and is over-funded as well.

So visit Scott's KickStarter project and his website.

These are all very cool, very rewarding projects so please share them with your (photography) friends.

The best part is that if you support these projects your are rewarded with both a product for your support and best of all, the warm feeling that will come from supporting a photographers dream.


  1. So nice these photography . Great thanks for shared .

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  3. It's an awesome blog. Enjoyed the whole time I spent here. Thanks
