
The Home Depot lighting demonstration...

When most people think about light (like me before I got my first big boy camera) it comes down to it being either bright or dark, but as photographers we quickly learn that it's much more than just light or the absence there of, its about what color (or what temperature) that light is.

Well, when wondering through Home Depot the other day I saw this new display the perfectly demonstrates the color temperature of light.

What's even cooler (no pun intended) is when you stick your hand under each of the lights and see what it does to your skin tone. If you find yourself in Home Depot (or other store with a similar display) you should give it a try.

Click on either image to view larger and better see the "color of light" given off by different light sources.

Seeing these different colors makes it easier to understand why it can be so hard to get the tone of a persons skin correct when you shoot them in a room that has one (or more) of these lights (and even harder when you throw a Speedlight in that mix).

To learn more be sure to check out this really well done article "Reproducing Real World Light".

In the mean time, here is a 8 minute video from one of my favorite guys talking about white balance, Mark Wallace.

Not only does he talk about white balance, but walks you though how to udjust the settings in your camera to componsate/match the light you are shooting under.

(subscribers will need to return to the blog to watch the video)


  1. I too am a photographer, but also work at Home Depot. I agree, the lighting display has taught me a lot about color temp! Thanks for all you do ;-)

  2. Hey, nice video though i have a question, when shooting with flash, does different white balance make any difference in final image?

  3. Hello guy ,
    I appreciated your post . Like this so much .

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