Free "how to" webinar on Digital Asset Management...
The most important part of our workflow, heck, of any photography business is DAM (digital asset management), having a good workable system for rating, ranking, storing (and finding) your files is imperative to every photographer.
If you can't find a file, just how difficult does that make your day, how much time do you waste "hunting" down images? And worse, what if you can't find it?
On June 2nd you will have the opportunity to take a big step forward in managing your images.
You can register for this free online seminar with photographer and instructor Peter Krogh, he'll be talking about the methods covered in-depth in his new book, organizing your photos with Lightroom 5. Peter's book (and this webinar) will offer you a clear vision of the process of building an organized photo library, thus enhancing your workflow. He breaks the process down to three basic tasks: Store, Tag and Create. By using this method, you'll be able to find an organizational style and workflow that's right for you and your photography.
Topics to be discussed and covered:
♦ How to understand the difference between Store, Tag and Create
♦ How to create a solid storage structure for your image files
♦ Finding and filtering with tags
♦ How to use Keywords
♦ Using Locations tags
♦ How to use ratings effectively
And more.
Follow this link and you can sign-up for one of two seminars that will be offered on June 2nd, the first is at 1pm the second is at 3pm (EST).
Such educative post always my choice .