
More on DIY LED lighting...

I have a couple more links to share with you to "enhance" our post of a few days ago on DIY LED lighting.

Here is a post from Judith on Photojojo showing her LED keychain lighting setup, shots she did along with comments and sample shots from her readers.

You will find a handful of articles here posted on DIY Photography from an introduction to LED lighting to Painting with LED's, all well worth your time.

It would be very cool to see the images you do using this lighting method so please feel free to post them on our Flickr group and share them with the rest of us (I double dog dare you!).

If you need a refresher or missed the original post you can find it here, or you can go directly to our YouTube channel just to watch the video.

Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me again until next week, we are busy getting ready for the two day Joel Grimes workshop being held at our studio this coming weekend.

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