
Odds and ends... bits and pieces...

Here are few very useful websites and resources that you good people will find helpful and/or interesting.

1. Lighten Up and Shoot is a great instructional site if you are looking to master exposure. They have a ton of tutorials not the least of which include the 5 variables of flash exposure, once you visited the site I am sure you will want to bookmark it.

2. I have harped on more than one occasion about the importance of backing up your images and one of the things you need to do is have a backup someplace other than on your desk, well is giving away 10GB of online storage, for FREE.

3. You can watch 5 short videos (3-10 minutes) on using flash, a combination of flash and natural light, and just natural light from photographer Jody Dole, check them out here.

4. You have until midnight tonight to enter our "Sessions with JoeyL" giveaway. The winner will be announced tomorrow (11/16/10). See ya then.


  1. Great, 12 hours left. Good luck to all!

  2. Thanks for the links! 10 GB of FREE storage sounds awesome!

  3. 10 GB of storage is useless. That is half a CF card...!?

    Use CrashPlan. Absolutely free, other than the cost of a hard disk. I set up a disk at my brother's house (50 miles away) and he has one at my house. I have 1.6 TB (1600 GB!) backed up, for a single purchase price of $200 for a hard disk.

  4. great topics covered here for all skill levels thanks for the links and info.

  5. Scott, Thanks for the information, another chance to Learm.

  6. 10 gigs are 10 gigs, I admit its only a fraction of my images, but its still a nice thing to get for free, especially when I remember waiting on hold for 10 hours to get a replacement for my bad 600 mb hard drive.

  7. And if each person in your family signed up you could end up with a hefty amount of free online storage...

  8. I have a question. Where can I find more time in a day? Are there any give-aways for that? I could use a whole bunch! Thanks to you I have so much more to do now!

  9. Maryann [MF*****Fotos]November 16, 2010 at 8:51 AM

    Thanks for more great resources. I'm with Paula, need more time!!!
