Here are just a few of the (many) images that have been entered into this months contest to win "Sessions with JoeyL".
You can find all the details and rules for entering our contest here, and you can head over to our Flickr group to take a look at the fine work our readers have been submitting.
In the mean time, enjoy these images.
(click on any image to view larger and in a new window)
Nice photos everyone. I'm going to have to check out the flickr group to see some more.
So many great photographs. There is even one of model Brianna Shaker by Pam Davis...ooooh, you cannot take a bad picture of Bri !
Fabulous work! Lots of talent out there!
AHH... Competition! Good... no, GREAT competition!! AHHH!!!
(good luck / job to all)
Thanks for featuring my picture on the front page (Pink nissan s15 silvia with gold wheels)! I knew I should start watermarking my pictures! :)
It is an honor to see one of my pics here. Thank you!
Thanks for featuring one of my photos (the one on top) check out more at and
Thanks for the chance to win the Joey L tutorials Scott. Lord knows I sure need all the photography help I can get!
Thanks to Jeoy L for donating & giving us the chance to learn from him!! He is talented beyond belief. I GREATLY admire his work!! Much love, Joey!!
Thanks Scott for the contest, there is some really nice work.
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