There are times when I get products for review that make me feel fortunate that I write this blog.
Receiving "get it together" is one of those times.
Usually when I receive a package of an item sent to the blog I open it, check out the contents, and set it in its place on the shelf to await its turn to be reviewed. When I opened the package containing "get it together" I did not put it down until I had finished reading it from cover to cover. But I still wasn't done, I then took the CD that comes with the book to my computer to look at the sample documents that are included.
The first thing I noticed is the graphical layout of the book, every time I turned a page my interest was held not only by the content but by the design as well. It's not just to make it pretty, but to help drive home the points and ideas presented in the book.

The book itself is 100 pages long and the point from the first page that is carried (quite nicely) to the last page is how to set up the workflow of a successful studio.
Some of the content I already knew (and do), other information I had thought about and the book drove home the point that is was a good idea, and still other things I hadn't thought of but were brilliant and will be incorporated into our studio workflow "system".
"get it together" arrived the day before I drove to New Jersey to shoot a wedding with Stacey Kane and I asked her to take a look at it, I was curious to see if a person with more time, more experience, and more success as a professional photographer was going to be as impressed with Millie Holloman as I was.
"get it together is an absolute must for those just starting out, it will prevent them from having to go through the painful 'trial and error... and error...and more error...' stages of establishing a studio system along the way to building a business.
A fantastic reinforcement tool for established photographers. It will help them solidify systems that they already have established as well as give them fresh and new ideas on how to run their studio more smoothly.
In either case, a very creative and inspirational sourcebook from a studio that has 'been there, done that' and continues to do so every day."
There you have it, four thumbs way up.
Follow these links to learn more about Millie and more about "get it together" at the website and the blog.

I went to check on this but the site gives no information. Maybe because I am viewing on my iPad? So I clicked on the blog and it's full of updates about the kit coming but nothing about the kit itself. (To be fair, I didn't go way back in the posts.) I had to click on Buy it Now just to fi d the price. $175 and they don't even explain it on their website? Seems like they need a get it together kit for websales. :(
I too will say that I felt that there is a lack of information on the website related to the contents of the kit and just how the product will successfully fulfill its promises to me.
I'm very leery about products that claim to be able to make me a better photographer or business person or just as this one claims, to help me "get it together." I'm on the fence right now as to whether or not to buy the Kit. I feel like there are so many products and workshops and recorded talks I could buy that all claim these things. How does THIS product go about making that happen?
I also feel like this review is as vague as the website. I completely understand that the product is intellectual in nature thus I can't expect to be able to flip through the pages online or see the sample documents. That, however, is the very thing that begs attention. If we can't show it in action, show how its designed, show any of the samples, how will people know they want to buy this?
Maybe the review can be updated to list the sections of the book. Give me an idea of the contents other than the fact that it's graphically appealing (and judging from Ms. Holloman's own blog and website, I wouldn't expect anything less than stunning). Also, maybe detail the contents of the CD. You know, every day millions of books with accompanying CDs are sold in bookstores around the world and people have AMPLE opportunity to read through those books, yet they still buy them. What is the value in the book as a REFERENCE that I can return to and the CD as a support for all the things I learn in the book?
Please do not misunderstand my comments. I will probably purchase the Get It Together Kit. I think in theory it is a great product and despite the continuation of vague information, this review seems to support that.
Bottom line, is there anyway we can get some more details on what the kit contains and WHY it would a valuable purchase?
Thanks so much for the review! We are elated to hear you found the kit so helpful and fun to use. We really worked hard to pour our heart and soul into the kit, along with great design and VERY good content. I wanted people to say, "this was way worth the money". I'm not in the market of just making another false promise. It was too much work for it not to work! ;)
Hello Sharon & Chris - we have realized the need for some more details. The site was put up for our pre-launch at WPPI. We just got the books in to ship in early May so we've been working on getting all of the orders out the door. Now we are working to polish up the details on the site and blog!
We are also full time wedding photographers so we've been working with our clients during this busy season. We'll blog and add detail to the site soon!
I just checked out your blog post that detailed each section of the book! Thank you so much for being attentive and responding to questions, needs and reviews. That truly is what makes social media invaluable for business.
I also appreciate the time you spend to educate others on methods that have worked for you. I imagine that you face the difficult task day in and day out of prioritizing this alongside your obviously busy photography business. If you let that go, how in the world would you develop educational materials!? Hehe.
Thanks again for your continued efforts to make the Get It Together Kit a valuable resource!
Seems like a very well put together product. I would say that the price tag is a bit high for the kit, but it might pay for itself. Thanks for the review!
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