Hold onto your panties!....

Because you are about to be blown away with some stunning imagery.

I am sure, more often than I want to know, I will post about something I have come across and folks will scratch their heads and wonder aloud "has he been living under a rock"?

This will likely be one of those times.

While driving to New Jersey a couple weeks ago I listened to an interview of photographer Cliff Mautner, and as impressive as it was things got busy and I didn't follow up on it.

Yesterday I watched the latest edition of Photoshop User TV and Cliff was interviewed again. Scott and Matt went on about how impressed they were with his work so I went directly to Cliff's website.

And for the next two hours I wandered through his website and his blog looking at his drop dead gorgeous wedding images.

So go check out his work and his two and a half day workshop where he teaches "less is more" when it comes to light.

You will be inspired... and blown away.


James Arendell said...

I´ve got him down as Cliff, Not Kurt!

Scott said...

And I have proven yet again that I did some things in college that have not served me well!


James, thanks for the heads up...

It has been fixed.


sandy edelstein said...

he is one of my favorites, and I went to his workshop which was an incredible experience!

Scott said...


I would love to hear about it (and I bet other readers would too).

If you are interested drop me an email, I can give you the space and we can make this happen.



Gayle Onnen said...

Amazing photography!