
Please tell me what you'd like...

We have a safe full of photo goodies to give away, light stands, flash brackets, instructional books and DVD's, we even have plus memberships to

Right now our contests are setup so that the winners are picked at random (previous contests can be seen here, here, and here) and I like the random aspect because every person who enters has an equal chance of winning, of it's a contest of who has the best picture my fear is newer photographers won't bother entering for fear of losing out to those photographers with more experience.

Another reason for the random aspect of our contests, I don't like saying "this picture is better than that picture".

What I want is to have contests that interest you, making you eager to participate in, and will give everyone an equal chance to win.

So the goal is simple, win some cool stuff while having fun in the process.

If you're happy with the way things are, that's okay, I just don't want to have the same old contest because "we've always done it that way".

So please, leave a comment on this post, or send us an email with your contest ideas/suggestions.

But be quick, we want to start giving some of this stuff away and will announce our next giveaway on Monday (10/22/12).

In the interest of full disclosure (and honesty), we really don't have a safe, just wanted to look real important, real hoity toity... :)


  1. Keep it simple Scott. Leave a comment and you have an equal chance at any free stuff.

  2. I've entered a few of your competitions and although I haven't won anything I know I have as good a chance as anybody else - I like that.

    But more importantly I think I get to see more entries for other readers than I would if the competition was more complicated, allowing me to see and encouraging me to think about other approaches. I really like that.

    So random simply approach gets my vote.

    Now how do I win the safe?!

  3. I, too, like the random approach, for all of the reasons you mentioned. If it ain't broke, don't fix it :)

  4. Contests you run are great... now if I could only remember to enter them! LOL

  5. I'd like to a mix of random with judged. Make MOST random and just a few judged and I think you have a good approach. Judge every quarter? every month? Just a thought.

  6. Simple is good , random is simple :-)

  7. I like the random makes my ego feel better when I don't win, knowing that it wasn't due to my lack of expertise...

  8. Simple and random works the best, I hate having to jump through hoops just to enter a contest. If it's straight forward enough most people will share it anyways so I vote to keep it the same as you've been doing and good luck to everyone that enters!

  9. Love the idea! Self-esteem is saved! :)

  10. I like the randomness, too. It's nice to share without having to choose one image being better than another.

  11. keep 99% of it the same, but throw in a reader judged contest from time to time, to keep it interesting.

  12. I like no commitment contests. The biggest I have won was 3rd place in the US draft lottery. That one cost me 4 years in the military. (If you don't know what I am talking about, well let's just say you are much younger than I am.)

  13. Scott
    I too like the random contests. I also enjoy & learn from critiques. What about a non contest and use one of the photos from Flickr to critique. Then that person would receive a prize.

    Thanks for all you do on this blog!

