Free, free, and more free stuff...
Over the years we have listed a whole bunch of free things that we thought you might be interested in, but before you start paroozing through the list below we would like to ask you a question.
Is there a service, some software, or other "free" thing that you use that has made life just a little bit better/easier for you?
If you have, would you share it with us? (I guess that's two questions, isn't it.)
And if you have come across a cool free "something or other" we would love to know about it so we can share it with the rest of our readers, so please, drop us an email and tell us all about it.
Now, here is a list of many of the free things we have come across, but please know some of these links go back awhile so we apoligize in advance should you come across a link that is no longer "live".
1. Free Photoshop alternatives
2. More free image editing software here, here, and here
3. Free iPhone and iPad Apps
4. Free Photoshop education... actions and more
5. Our free Dave Hill and Tilt Shift actions
6. A Bazillion free fonts
7. Tons of free Hi Res Textures
8. One of the best DIY things ever, Tinker Tubes from the late Dean Collins
9. Free templates for creating your own Facebook Timeline Covers
This is a great information . Lot of thanks .